Christian Ministry isn’t just for the Pastor and Assistant Pastors of a Church. It is for every Christian.
There are a million excuses for why people don’t “minister” one to another but none of them are valid or reasonable.
When you move past the guilt of wishing you could do more and focus on doing what you can with the gifts the Lord has provided you, then your ministry will be an honor to the Lord.
In Matthew 25:40 – Jesus reminds us that when we do anything…even to the “least of these” it is as if we are doing it to Him. We are also reminded that something so small as a “cup of cold water” given is huge in the Lord’s eyes. (Mark 9:41 & Matthew 10:42)
So how then can we minister to people if we are not a Pastor or Assistant Pastor?
Various Ministry Ideas:
· Ministry of Love (and mercy) –
o Love the hurting – Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? Churches should be a hospital for the broken and hurting to come and heal. Yes, we want people to grow in the grace of the Lord but we have to start with loving them first. Let God work on their hearts and we need to just love on the broken and hurting.
o Love our leaders – We need to love our Pastors & their wife (family), Assistant Pastor & their family etc. We expect so much of God’s chosen but often completely forget that they are human. Love them, pray for them and encourage them. Every family should be an encouragement to the leadership of the church every month.
o Love our neighbor – Yes, there will be disagreements but we need to love other families in church. Get to know new people in the Church. Get to know people on the other side of the church. Say hello, shake hands and smile at people. LOVE others.
· Ministry of Encouragement –
o Encouraging others isn’t difficult. Listen to the prayer requests, pray over them and then write a note letting that person know you prayed for them.
o Send cards/letters for no reason at all other than to simply encourage
o Helping people through their pain. Especially if it’s chronic pain, encouragement is a real gift for someone struggling day in and day out.
o Encouraging people to take the next step. Sometimes stepping out on an unfamiliar journey is made a bit easier when a little encouragement is received.
o Sharing happiness and joy with those that are celebrating blessings from the Lord.
o Encourage your family. Don’t forget them!
· Ministry of Giving –
o Giving of your resources doesn’t just include financial. There are some artsy, crafty and very talented people that never use those talents for the Lord at all. Yes, give of your finances, but also, look at what you can give back from your talents and other resources.
o Giving your time – Have you ever just went and kept someone company while they were having Chemo? While they were going through a bitter trial? While they were grieving? You don’t have to know what to say or how to say anything comforting because just the act of being there is great comfort.
· Ministry of Volunteering –
o Teach a class, a small group or an impromptu get together
o Open your home for a ladies night of fun food and laughter
o Volunteer your singing abilities or instrument playing abilities
o Volunteer to greet people at the front door of the church
o Volunteer to help organize a missions trip
o Volunteer to deliver flowers or books to people in the hospital
o Volunteer to make dinners for those coming home from hospital
o Men – volunteer to help with the maintenance of the homes of the elderly in your church/community.
o Ladies – help with the cleaning and upkeep of the homes for some of the elderly
· Ministry of Praying –
o When Chronic illness plagues your body, you can still pray
o When you are busy mom of toddlers, you can still pray
o When you are a busy businessman or woman, you can still pray
o When you are a teen and still figuring out your journey, you can still pray
o When you are a child, just learning to give, do and go – you can still pray
o P R A Y – everyone can do this
I could go on and on for days here but I won’t. I just want you to know that Ministry is for every single one of us. We are all called to live the way Jesus lived.
We would love to hear how you are ministering to people.
I’m Spreading Joy daily to people around me and you can be too.
It isn’t expensive or hard and anyone can do it…including children. In addition to the ideas listed above, click the photo below and you’ll be taken to a list of 50 Ways to Make a Difference without Spending a Single Penny. No money is involved and you can impact your world for Christ!
Have fun Spreading God’s Joy and making a difference!
Check out this month’s featured site!
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Wife, mother and I am a lover of the million little things that make life BIG! I love old books, hot coffee, the laughter of children and the priceless hugs that mean more than anything.
While looking through the eyes of compassion and understanding the heart that desires to have an impact, Marie encourages others to see the full potential of the everyday, ordinary resources that is right
within their reach. Everyone needs to make a difference and with
creative thinking and a unique look at the ordinary; she shows people all over the world just how easy it is to make a difference.
Every act of joy that you do, regardless of the size, has the potential to have a limitless ripple effect. You never know where your act of joy will end up. You, the giver, are splashed with joy as you make a difference! God’s Joy is for everyone!
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Very encouraging and insightful post. Truly we all can contribute in our own small way. Our Lord’s words readily comes to mind “The harvest is ripe, the labourers are few”. I minister to people by keeping a blog and sharing my thoughts. I also do self-publishing as my way of contributing to the Kingdom. And I have started a breakfast meeting which ministers to the needs of people in the marketplace/corporate world…I hope to get seminary training and be fully involved one day. However, currently, I keep a day’s job and try to serve my Lord in my own small way. So in my small way I Spread Joy…:)
Great suggestions! Really makes one reflect. Those without time or money always have time to pray!
Thank you for posting this………there are so many needs all around us… and all we need to do is be willing… and look for them.
Thank you Enoch! I run spreading joy and have a full time day job, so i know how difficult it can be to balance ministry and a full time job, but God gives the grace and strength to do so.
@lisa – thank you… always reminds me that everyone of us can do something
@Gentlejoy – thank you for taking the time to comment and encourage! willingness is key!
Thanks for linking up at Mondays @ Soul Survival! Blessings!
I am sharing your site with my readers. Thank you for your encouragement to live our lives with purpose
I am so thankful that the Lord has given me many crafting abilities. I crochet newborn hats for local hospitals, sew plush teddys for local police and fire departments to give to children , sew dresses for little dresses for Africa ministry,sew banners and paraments that our small church can’t afford to buy and I rallied our church together to make backpacks filled with supplies for low income school children and homeless people. I love to give and I keep asking God to guide me in my giving. I love God and desire to be a good faithful servant. My husband and I also just ordered 2 cases of Bibles to give to people who might not be able to afford one or just would not ever buy one for themselves.