Something wonderful happened in our family on Friday. Something miraculous. Actually, make that two somethings wonderful - a double miracle long prayed for but still wondrously surprising. Two of my children made the decision to follow Jesus, receiving Him as their personal Savior. And quite frankly, I'm in awe. I'm in awe of a God who wants to have a … [Read more...]
Six Ways to Be There for a Friend in Crisis
Recently a friend of mine posted something like this on Facebook: "It has been a horrible week. The kids were sick, so we didn't get to take our scheduled vacation. We lost our health insurance. I am waiting in the hospital while my husband has his appendix taken out. It has been stressful." Immediately the responses were numerous. And predictable. "I'm so … [Read more...]
Ambassadors for Christ
2 Corinthians 5:20 reminds us that we are ambassadors for Christ. I sat there ready to receive a blessing. Excited for the service to start. I know a few people but not knowing people in church doesn’t bother me. For some, that isn’t true. A very kind lady asked if anyone was sitting with us because she needed the extra room for her family. I smiled … [Read more...]
Follow Their Example
Follow the Example of the Heroes of the Bible I’m always amazed at just how awesome the love of God is. When we stop focusing on our past mistakes, failures and current fears, and turn our eyes towards the Lord, we’ll see just how amazing HE is. The Creator of the Universe, the ONE the wind and waves OBEY… will come to our rescue. Choose to trust Him … [Read more...]
Supporting the Body of Christ
We as Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. We are the body! As long as we are here on this earth, we will all have different opinions, feel, think, see, do and believe differently. The trouble is, how do we handle those differences? Do we lash out in anger or hatred “all in the name of the Lord?” or do we speak with compassion? We can express our different … [Read more...]