After we got back from camp on Saturday, the youth shared their testimonies with the church about what God did for them during the week.
Q told them that he expected to hear what God did in their hearts, not how much fun they had.
It was a joy to see them get up (some hesitantly, some crying) and give all honor, glory, and praise to the Father.
Something was weighing on my heart the whole day, leading up to our time to share. God impressed upon me to speak to not only the youth, but the congregation also.
As I walked up to the stage Q told me not to cry (sidenote…we try not to cry too often in the setting of teaching God’s word. We don’t want to be the cause of emotional *decisions*, etc…I hope that makes sense). I prepared myself all day, promising myself that I wouldn’t cry. Of course, youth went up before me that made me cry, therefore the waterworks weren’t too subdued.
As soon as I stepped on stage the tears came. If any of you know me well, I don’t talk a whole lot. I’m an observer and only talk (in serious circumstances) when God has impressed something upon my heart. So, I don’t know if I cry every time I speak in front of the church due to stage fright or because of the passion that God’s given me for what He wants me to say.
So, anyway, I addressed the youth, telling them that I knew that they were scared to come home and live the Christian lifestyle. I knew that they were afraid to lose their friends for the cause of Christ, I knew that Satan’s pull was so real in their lives, and I knew that they were terrified.
But, I reminded them that God calls each and every one of them (if they are saved) to be Holy.
The world doesn’t expect anything from them (or us) but God expects greatness from them. God expects us to give everything we have for the sake of His gospel.
Are you willing to do what it takes to live Holy lives in accordance with who God calls us to be?
That may mean losing friends, losing family, losing possessions, losing a comfortable lifestyle…that may even mean losing your life…
Are you willing?
Am I willing?
Are we willing to truly live out who we say we are as Christians? The world is watching. Some to prove us wrong, and some to prove us right.
Some people’s “decisions” (we don’t save, God does…but, the way you carry yourself can turn someone away in a heartbeat) rest on who you are in the world.
This life is not about church on Sunday and Wednesday. This life is not about duty. This life is not about getting to heaven. This life is not your own.
This is a lifestyle. This is an every day battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. This is about submission and love beyond explanation for the Creator of this universe. This life is about JESUS…this life is His.
If you aren’t willing, get off the wagon…God expects greatness.
So who does God expect you to be? God expects greatness. Not that your skills, abilities or strengths are great. But that your faith, your willingness and your obedience are great. That is who God expects you to be. Can you? Will you? Be great for a great God?
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AMEN!!! Preach it!!! LOVE IT!!! 🙂
I agree. Thank you and very well spoken!
Yes, Yes, It is a battle and God expects greatness. Glad to be catching up on blogs. This is an awesome post. Thank you for sharing your testimony. Blessings,
Christie, this was great, I can understand the tears. Sometimes during prayer with my husband I’d start crying when I feel how awesome God is, and how unworthy we all are.
I hope those young souls would really hold fast to what the Lord imparts upon their hearts.