Have you ever attended a class or special event and a speaker launched into a topic that was something you desperately needed help/teaching/guidance with, and then when your hopes were high the speaker ended up addressing the topic through the lense of stereotypes that you didn't fit and suddenly you were just as hopeless as ever? I have. My husband and I have challenges, … [Read more...]
Why I Don’t Support Teen Dating
Why I Don't Support Teen Dating This blog post has been festering lately. I have lots to say, but don’t know how to say it. Mainly, I want to say it with grace and conviction. I worry that I won’t do that properly, but I feel like this needs to be shared. I don't support teen dating because I was a teen dater. I wish it was that simple! I wish I could just say, "I … [Read more...]
Becoming God’s True Woman…While I Still Have a Curfew {Review & Giveaway}
Being in youth ministry, we're always looking for great resources to share with our youth. Added to the fact that Q loves books, we're always looking for great books to share with them! They even know that their birthday's and our Christmas parties will involve a book of some sort! :)So, when I had the opportunity to review Becoming God's True Woman...While I … [Read more...]
Who Does God Expect You to Be?
After we got back from camp on Saturday, the youth shared their testimonies with the church about what God did for them during the week. Q told them that he expected to hear what God did in their hearts, not how much fun they had. It was a joy to see them get up (some hesitantly, some crying) and give all honor, glory, and praise to the Father. Something was weighing … [Read more...]