What blessings do we have in Christ? There are certain blessings that all regenerate believers have in the spiritual realm. I'm part of a Facebook group that was just discussing how misused or misunderstood the words "anointed," "favor," and "blessings" are today. I think so many times we tend to think of blessings as immediate, physical, carnal, or temporal (in the here and … [Read more...]
Breaking the Image
I'm reading through a chronological study Bible. It's the second time in my life I've undertaken to read the whole Bible. I'm struck by different events and things that aren't talked about much, even sometimes having forgotten those things happened. One such event is in 1 Samuel 5: The Philistines and the Ark. Israel and the Philistines had a fight and the Philistines had … [Read more...]
Into the Stillness + Grace & Truth {Week 23}
Sometimes a writer has a gift of weaving plain old letters and words together in a way that makes poetry. Even when she's not meaning to. Dawn Boyer of Journeys in Grace is one such writer. And in today's featured post, like an expert artist, she paints a picture of what it means to abide in Christ. To go to Him in the morning and again at noon and again at … [Read more...]
The Power of Praise
I was not a happy camper this morning. Yard work was on the agenda. My nemesis since childhood. I'm not really much of an outdoor girl. OK, so not at all. I prefer not to venture past my front porch unless I have to. And I do mean "have to." Like if the house caught fire, for instance. I'm pretty sure I'd have to go out into the yard in that case. Maybe … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Encourage Your Minister of Music
Numerous articles have been written about how you, as a church member, can be an encouragement to your pastor- how you can constructively praise his sermon, pray for him, get him a great gift for Pastor Appreciation Month, etc. These are good things. Please be sure to support your pastor. Being a pastor is one of the toughest and most thankless jobs out there, and if you've … [Read more...]