Charismatic churches and religions are growing, and evangelical churches are jumping in with spiritual gifts tests and classes, so many people are wondering, "What's the deal with spiritual gifts?" Spiritual gifts as a whole are much too large to cover in one blog post. However, I decided to write a little about them because of a comment on my last post, Religion Matters, where … [Read more...]
Religion Matters
Instead of sharing straight from Scripture this time, I am going to share some things about my story. My heart is heavy with many things. I came across an old Tweet that I had re-tweeted from a previous pastor, with a quote that said something like, "God doesn't care about your religion; it's your relationships that matter." I agreed with it at the time, but things have changed … [Read more...]
To the Weary Children’s Ministry Worker
Something wonderful happened in our family on Friday. Something miraculous. Actually, make that two somethings wonderful - a double miracle long prayed for but still wondrously surprising. Two of my children made the decision to follow Jesus, receiving Him as their personal Savior. And quite frankly, I'm in awe. I'm in awe of a God who wants to have a … [Read more...]
Meet Lough Fook – My Hero + Grace & Truth {Week 17}
"What can one person do?" Do you ever ask this in the face of such overwhelming problems in our world? Human trafficking, slavery, poverty, disease, starvation, abortion, parentless children, political corruption... and on and on it goes. All too often the sheer numbers involved with these issues mock our insignificance, paralyzing us from doing anything to help. Because … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Encourage Your Minister of Music
Numerous articles have been written about how you, as a church member, can be an encouragement to your pastor- how you can constructively praise his sermon, pray for him, get him a great gift for Pastor Appreciation Month, etc. These are good things. Please be sure to support your pastor. Being a pastor is one of the toughest and most thankless jobs out there, and if you've … [Read more...]