Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of the earth and the sky and all that is in them, We come to you humbly, acknowledging to You and reminding ourselves that the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men. This means all attempts of mankind to usurp Your authority will result in devastation on this earth. Every. Single. Time. We can see with our own eyes some of the … [Read more...]
Praying the Scriptures for a Heart of Love
When it comes to the valuable exercise of praying the Scriptures, praying for love is an excellent place to start. According to Jesus, the two greatest commandments and the sum of all the others is: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall … [Read more...]
The Case for Faith: Objection #1
I've been thinking lately (for a while, actually) about how I'd like to be proficient in the area of Apologetics in regards to my Christianity. For one reason, I love to learn. When I learn, I gain confidence. For a second and more compelling reason, I'd like to be able to adequately defend the faith for which Jesus died and for which I stand. I know that many atheists and … [Read more...]
I Have Stepped Into a Big Mess + Grace & Truth {Week 22}
Have you stepped in any messes lately? I sure have. As a homeschooling mom and foster mom to young children (not to mention loving, frustrated owner of an elderly dog...ahem), I often feel like I spend my days moving from one mess to another. Whether you're at home or at work, at church or in your community, if you sometimes find yourself in the middle of a mess, today's … [Read more...]
“If He Were Just…” + Grace & Truth {Week 19}
Your husband should be the spiritual leader of your home. Can I get an "Amen"? But wait... where's the term "spiritual leader" in the Bible, exactly? Especially the part that lays out for us what that looks like. Or is much of that ideal something I've come up with on my own? I'll just be honest and say that I was pretty blown away by the perspective Karen Costello shared … [Read more...]
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