As a new Christian, I had many notions that I have realized throughout the years were either completely false or utterly ridiculous. Below are just a few of the major misconceptions that caused a bit of a struggle for me at one time or another. 1. Life (in general) will get easier. Wow! I was totally mistaken regarding this one!!! In many ways, life goes on as usual. … [Read more...]
50 Alternatives to “Fifty Shades”
As you've probably heard, the movie Fifty Shades of Grey is opening in theaters tomorrow. It's not a movie we at Satisfaction Through Christ recommend you see, so we thought we'd provide you with some ideas of things you and your husband, kids, friends, or church family can do together instead. Here are 50 alternatives to seeing Fifty Shades of Grey. Have fun! 1. Read a … [Read more...]
{Recipe} Eggplant Lasagna
I LOVE lasagna, mainly because I love pasta. But since I've been more in touch with my healthier side, I decided to try out Eggplant Lasagna. This was only my second time making it, and I love it. It is way less hassle than "real" lasagna, but is just as satisfying. There are a few things I learned the second time around. For example, get two eggplants, I only used one but … [Read more...]