Today is my twenty-third wedding anniversary. My husband and I married on a lovely Tuesday evening between Christmas and New Years in a church bedecked with pink poinsettias. And six kids, several houses, and a few dogs later, here we still are, plugging away at this “‘til death do us part” thing. There have been a lot of “for better” times, and some “for worse” times. Days … [Read more...]
A No-Bull Marriage: Four Lessons from Mr. & Mrs. Samson
"If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have found out my riddle." I love this verse. It's in the story of Samson (Judges 14:18), which I'm studying in depth right now, and it makes me giggle every time I come to it. Ripped from its context, it doesn't make much sense (most Bible verses don't), so go read Judges 14 really quickly. It's only twenty verses. It … [Read more...]
Marriage: It’s My Pity Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To ~ 7 Ways to Take Your Focus Off Yourself and Put it Back on Christ
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting STC in such a tangible way. Marriage: It's My Pity Party and I'll Cry If I Want To ~ 7 Ways to Take Your Focus Off Yourself and Put it Back on Christ Let's face it, Ladies, there are days when even the best of marriages* are just plain tough. Hubby's in a bad mood and snaps at you. There's no money in the budget … [Read more...]