What blessings do we have in Christ? There are certain blessings that all regenerate believers have in the spiritual realm. I'm part of a Facebook group that was just discussing how misused or misunderstood the words "anointed," "favor," and "blessings" are today. I think so many times we tend to think of blessings as immediate, physical, carnal, or temporal (in the here and … [Read more...]
What’s the Deal with Spiritual Gifts?
Charismatic churches and religions are growing, and evangelical churches are jumping in with spiritual gifts tests and classes, so many people are wondering, "What's the deal with spiritual gifts?" Spiritual gifts as a whole are much too large to cover in one blog post. However, I decided to write a little about them because of a comment on my last post, Religion Matters, where … [Read more...]
So, You Want to Serve?
When it comes to serving and ministry, there are so many misconceptions about the needs of people and how to meet those needs. Often, the needs themselves can outweigh the help that is being offered to meet them. I know that when I look at the needs of the world and even my community, it's overwhelming. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of … [Read more...]