Today is my twenty-third wedding anniversary. My husband and I married on a lovely Tuesday evening between Christmas and New Years in a church bedecked with pink poinsettias. And six kids, several houses, and a few dogs later, here we still are, plugging away at this “‘til death do us part” thing. There have been a lot of “for better” times, and some “for worse” times. Days … [Read more...]
“If He Were Just…” + Grace & Truth {Week 19}
Your husband should be the spiritual leader of your home. Can I get an "Amen"? But wait... where's the term "spiritual leader" in the Bible, exactly? Especially the part that lays out for us what that looks like. Or is much of that ideal something I've come up with on my own? I'll just be honest and say that I was pretty blown away by the perspective Karen Costello shared … [Read more...]
A No-Bull Marriage: Four Lessons from Mr. & Mrs. Samson
"If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have found out my riddle." I love this verse. It's in the story of Samson (Judges 14:18), which I'm studying in depth right now, and it makes me giggle every time I come to it. Ripped from its context, it doesn't make much sense (most Bible verses don't), so go read Judges 14 really quickly. It's only twenty verses. It … [Read more...]
Resisting the Enemy’s Foothold in Your Marriage
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting the ministry of STC in such a tangible way. My husband is training for a new job, and today my heart was full of thanksgiving for the way he works hard in obedience to God, providing for our family through his employment. Until I remembered something that happened yesterday. Something that hurt my feelings … [Read more...]
Marriage: It’s My Pity Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To ~ 7 Ways to Take Your Focus Off Yourself and Put it Back on Christ
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting STC in such a tangible way. Marriage: It's My Pity Party and I'll Cry If I Want To ~ 7 Ways to Take Your Focus Off Yourself and Put it Back on Christ Let's face it, Ladies, there are days when even the best of marriages* are just plain tough. Hubby's in a bad mood and snaps at you. There's no money in the budget … [Read more...]