“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” John14:1-4 I know … [Read more...]
Blogging Through The Bible – 2 John
Weekly Bible Reading Recap, Prayer Journal Printable, and Weekly Blog Prayer Undoubtedly one of the most well known verses of the New Testament, and undeniably one of the hardest to live out. I'm challenging myself to pray more about walking out God's love. And I'm taking a deep look at the many relationships where I don't live this … [Read more...]
Blogging Through the Bible – First John & Weekly Blog Prayer
Recently my pastor taught a series of sermons through the Ten Commandments (and what Jesus had to say about them!) I was humbled and a bit shocked to realize that several of the ten Sundays I was feeling conviction of the Holy Spirit. At first I was a little discouraged. After all the ten commandments aren't all that hard to follow, "don't kill," "don't steal," "don't serve … [Read more...]
Blogging Through The Bible – 1 Peter
Weekly Bible Reading Recap & Sunday Blog Prayer I'm a gal who thrives on mission, on purpose. The more I have to do - the more I get done. And when I know that my work is for the Kingdom of Heaven, well, those are the days I live for. Unfortunately my mind does it's fair share of lie-believing. Sometimes all it takes is an emotional moment or waking up one day with little … [Read more...]
Blogging Through The Bible – Esther
Weekly Bible Reading Recap & Sunday Blog Prayer I adore Esther's story. It was a favorite as I was growing up. Esther's story is precious to a lot of women, almost as though it was a little gift for us tucked into the Old Testament. But it's not so dear to us for the obvious rags to riches reasons. True, Esther was elegant and a rare beauty, but more importantly Esther's … [Read more...]