Learning to be thankful in all circumstances? Why do we need to learn to be thankful? Shouldn't thankfulness be as natural to us as breathing? I believe thankfulness comes from a heart that knows and loves God. I know God and I love God but I am not always thankful. How about you? This I am learning, God puts us in places tailor made just for you and just for me to teach us … [Read more...]
What Blessings Do We Have in Christ?
What blessings do we have in Christ? There are certain blessings that all regenerate believers have in the spiritual realm. I'm part of a Facebook group that was just discussing how misused or misunderstood the words "anointed," "favor," and "blessings" are today. I think so many times we tend to think of blessings as immediate, physical, carnal, or temporal (in the here and … [Read more...]
Breaking the Image
I'm reading through a chronological study Bible. It's the second time in my life I've undertaken to read the whole Bible. I'm struck by different events and things that aren't talked about much, even sometimes having forgotten those things happened. One such event is in 1 Samuel 5: The Philistines and the Ark. Israel and the Philistines had a fight and the Philistines had … [Read more...]
Aren’t We Inherently Good?
When you look into a sweet baby's eyes it's hard to think of that baby as a sinner. When you look at yourself, you know your good intentions and you know the justifications for your own sins. It's tempting to think the baby is good. It's tempting to think we are good; that we aren't "bad" people, committing "those" sins. We think we would likely choose the "good" choice the … [Read more...]
Why Did God Use a Harlot and a Lie?
Is it ever okay to lie? I recently read the account in Joshua about Rahab who hides the spies. Ironically, just a couple days after reading that, I heard an interview on a Christian radio program with an author who wrote a book about lying. As part of their discussion, they brought up Rahab. The story about Rahab is found in Joshua, chapter 2. Moses has died and Joshua was … [Read more...]