This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting STC in such a tangible way. Many of you have probably read at least one of the books in the What to Expect series. From prenatal nutrition to childhood development, this series is the go-to resource of many parents when it comes to...well, what to expect! Here's my version...the cold, hard, wonderful … [Read more...]
5 Reasons to REALLY Listen to Your Child
5 Reasons to Really Listen to Your Child As a homeschooling mom to three children, I hear a lot of words throughout my day. Can I get an amen? (Side note: I wonder if there's a formula for determining to what degree the words are multiplied when two of the children are girls...) Words about friends. And dreams. And football. And music. And … [Read more...]
God has a Purpose for Your Waiting
God Has a Purpose for Your Waiting You have likely seen the above picture floating around social media. It is designed to make you feel ok, if not good, about waiting on God. However, I want to feel more than good about waiting on God; I want to experience a joy and peace that only God can give me. Which leads me to today’s post. Like many of you, I am also waiting on the … [Read more...]
Leading By Example
You are a leader. Did you know that? Do you believe that? Leadership is often made more complicated than it really is. We think that if we don’t feel like a leader then we aren’t one or if we don’t have this huge following, then we aren’t one. Or if our circumstances don't label us as a leader, then we aren't one. But that is simply not true! I have been in leadership for 15 … [Read more...]
The Measure of Success
The Measure of Success – Uncovering the Biblical perspective on women, work & the home Written by Carolyn McCulley and Nora Shank: This is a wonderfully written book that simply does NOT give into the “Mommy Wars.” This book takes a practical look at what everyone misses about success because they are focused on who is right. This book is for women. All … [Read more...]