Welcome to week thirteen of Tuesday's Prayers! Trinity and I were so pleased by the response we had last week! It's been a quiet but anxious week here! A childhood friend who was due the day after baby girl had her baby a week ago today! Just knowing that our due dates were so close really got me overly anxious to see my girl! Alas, … [Read more...]
Tuesday’s Prayers {Week 12}
Welcome to week twelve of Tuesday's Prayers! Trinity and I were so pleased by the response we had last week! It's been another fairly quiet week! We announced on Saturday that we are fully funded for baby girl's adoption! :) Prayerfully I'll be able to sit down in the next fews days and share the details of all of that! Obviously, blogging has … [Read more...]
Tuesday’s Prayers {Week 11}
Welcome to week eleven of Tuesday's Prayers! Trinity and I were so pleased by the response we had last week! It's been another quiet week! I did receive a special text message from our birth mother with a picture of her ultrasound last week...the first "picture" we've seen of our baby girl! It definitely made my day! They said she weighed 6lbs. … [Read more...]
Tuesday’s Prayers {Week 10}
Welcome to week ten of Tuesday's Prayers! Trinity and I were so pleased by the response we had last week! It's been a pretty quiet week here. Please continue to pray for us as baby girl's due date is less than 4 weeks away! We are still in need of about $5,500 to be fully funded and the Lord has provided close to $30,000 already! We are … [Read more...]
Tuesday’s Prayers {Week 9}
Welcome to week nine of Tuesday's Prayers! Trinity and I were so pleased by the response we had last week! This past weekend we went to Florida to meet our birth parents for the first time. It was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. Be sure to check back later this week as I share how everything went.We're still raising funds with … [Read more...]