I sat in my favorite chair, nursing cups of coffee in my "mid-life mom" grief. Wandered around the house, peering aimlessly out windows. Watched football for hours (I don’t even like football). You see, I found myself in the midst of hanging up my active-mama hat and exchanging it for the “we’ll call you when we need you” hat. I didn’t realize exactly how hard that would … [Read more...]
3 Rejuvenating Tips to Calm Your Mind and Soul
I once enjoyed a luxurious spa day with girlfriends. A waterfall rippled down a marble wall, glass pitchers of fruit-filled water flanked a granite, dessert-laden counter, and reclining couches overlooked a beautiful Florida lake. I was given a fluffy white robe and slippers and lead to a massage room. Upon entering, I was directed to an assortment of tiny cards, each with … [Read more...]
3 Life-Impacting Books for Christian Growth
What are the three most life-impacting books you've read concerning Christian growth? Your regular go-to resources for encouraging others, writing blog posts, or reminding yourself of impacting truths from God's Word? God's Word remains the ultimate life-GIVING book. But if you don't have life-impacting books on file, it's time to start your collection! Here are mine in … [Read more...]
5 Scriptures to pray for adult children
Do you catch yourself worrying over your adult children? Lying in your bed at night, concerned for their safety? Texting them first thing in the morning to allay your fears? I've done it too. Will they make sound choices? With whom is she spending time? Are they riding with safe drivers? Where is he sleeping this weekend? What are the safety conditions at her … [Read more...]
One Powerful but Overlooked Decision Skill
How many times have you rehashed a decision because you...well, couldn't decide? I don't know anyone like that. (Raises hand, forms "loser" sign with thumb and index finger on forehead.) The believer possesses a powerful decision making skill that is oftentimes overlooked. A Decision involves God's secret counsel But His secret counsel is with the upright. ~ … [Read more...]