Yesterday we chatted about Ruth - it reminded me of how much I love her story! - but it also brought to light a basic fact about marriage. Marriage is easier, and more worthwhile, when you have friendship with your spouse. After all who wants to go on weekend getaways with a grouch they can't stand, let alone face the day to day challenges that face every marriage? If you … [Read more...]
A New Attitude for a Strong Marriage
We all know (and love!) the story of the Book of Ruth. Sweet, faithful Ruth, whose life seems over before it barely gets started, is given the joy of a husband and son. But did you know that the Book of Ruth teaches us a crucial lesson about marriage before Ruth even lays eyes on her future husband, Boaz? Perhaps you'll recognize this quote, "Do not urge me to leave you, or … [Read more...]
3 Important Words You Should Say to Your Husband Daily
In that moment, I knew he needed nothing more than to hear the words “I choose you.” I missed home, my family, my friends, and my routine. I was insecure and unsure. I needed comfort and encouragement to enjoy this time in our lives. But the most important thing for my husband to know in this one particular moment was that I chose him, continue to choose him, and … [Read more...]
“If He Were Just…” + Grace & Truth {Week 19}
Your husband should be the spiritual leader of your home. Can I get an "Amen"? But wait... where's the term "spiritual leader" in the Bible, exactly? Especially the part that lays out for us what that looks like. Or is much of that ideal something I've come up with on my own? I'll just be honest and say that I was pretty blown away by the perspective Karen Costello shared … [Read more...]
He Said, She Said, God Said: Biblical Answers to Marriage Questions
I was given a copy of He Said, She Said, God Said for review purposes and compensated for my time. All opinions are my own. Several weeks ago Dan and Gina Trippie sent me a copy of their book, He Said, She Said, God Said: Biblical Answers to Marriage Questions. I'm a gal who is passionate about marriage, especially as it measures up to God's word. So, I was really excited to … [Read more...]