Do you long to be a successful Christian woman whose influence will have a significant positive effect on the world around you? Don't we all! Are you afraid that's a privilege reserved for a few select super-stars who've got it all together? That your life is too ordinary to merit a second glance or leave a lasting impression? This post contains affiliate links. Don't … [Read more...]
3 Life-Impacting Books for Christian Growth
What are the three most life-impacting books you've read concerning Christian growth? Your regular go-to resources for encouraging others, writing blog posts, or reminding yourself of impacting truths from God's Word? God's Word remains the ultimate life-GIVING book. But if you don't have life-impacting books on file, it's time to start your collection! Here are mine in … [Read more...]
Becoming the Titus 2 Woman…at 40!
In my mind, I am twenty-three years old. When I close my eyes, she is who I see in the images of myself. I have felt that way for a long time, which is odd, I thought until recently, because I didn’t particularly recall twenty-three being a pivotal year for any reason. But lately, I realize that 1998 was, in fact, very important in the development of who I am today. The … [Read more...]
Living With Meaning
Living with Meaning Many people make it through each day living off of something that is able to be stripped from them in a moment’s notice. They live life with their riches, their good looks, their positions, or their talent. What happens when those things are suddenly and unexpectedly taken away? Jobs come and go, looks are fleeting, and injuries can prevent us from … [Read more...]
Leading By Example
You are a leader. Did you know that? Do you believe that? Leadership is often made more complicated than it really is. We think that if we don’t feel like a leader then we aren’t one or if we don’t have this huge following, then we aren’t one. Or if our circumstances don't label us as a leader, then we aren't one. But that is simply not true! I have been in leadership for 15 … [Read more...]