I sat in my favorite chair, nursing cups of coffee in my "mid-life mom" grief. Wandered around the house, peering aimlessly out windows. Watched football for hours (I don’t even like football). You see, I found myself in the midst of hanging up my active-mama hat and exchanging it for the “we’ll call you when we need you” hat. I didn’t realize exactly how hard that would … [Read more...]
God Is For You: Scripture Meditations
On days when it feels like everyone in your world is against you, encourage your heart with Scriptures that prove God is for you. I stood at the sink, tears dripping into the dishwater. It had been an extra hard few days of parenting. Of trying to understand the issues accurately, of trying to make the right decisions, respond the right way. I was more … [Read more...]
One Powerful but Overlooked Decision Skill
How many times have you rehashed a decision because you...well, couldn't decide? I don't know anyone like that. (Raises hand, forms "loser" sign with thumb and index finger on forehead.) The believer possesses a powerful decision making skill that is oftentimes overlooked. A Decision involves God's secret counsel But His secret counsel is with the upright. ~ … [Read more...]
God IS
God IS I love when people are showing thanks and gratitude for what the Lord has done for them, but sometimes they make me sad. Hear me out before you quit reading. They will often say “God has been so good to me” or “God has been so gracious” and I know it’s just a phrase and it is said while giving thanks, but sometimes in our weakness, trials, discouragements and … [Read more...]
Resisting the Enemy’s Foothold in Your Marriage
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting the ministry of STC in such a tangible way. My husband is training for a new job, and today my heart was full of thanksgiving for the way he works hard in obedience to God, providing for our family through his employment. Until I remembered something that happened yesterday. Something that hurt my feelings … [Read more...]