If you haven't realized, I'm a couple of weeks behind on my 7 (by Jen Hatmaker) posts. Reading and writing have fallen behind while keeping up with daily blog posts and contributor posts. But, this chapter of 7 is right up my alley!Spending!No, I'm not a spender; I'm the complete opposite!I'm a stickler for a budget and I cringe when I spend … [Read more...]
Jen Hatmaker’s 7 – Chapter 5 Waste {Bloom Book Club}
Ok, time for some honesty here! I usually post my weekly chapter review on Saturday's. Here's the honesty -- I just wasn't into it! Ok, ok enough stones! We're here for community and openness, right? We're here to hold one another accountable and love them through it, right!? Show me some love and accountability today!Alright, I'm not a … [Read more...]
Jen Hatmaker’s 7 – Chapter 4 – Media {Bloom Book Club}
Oh, media! Can I be honest and tell you how much I've dreaded this chapter? I love media and I love connecting through it! I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I talk "toddler" all day and I love connecting with adults through social media, blogging, texting...You get the drift!?I dreaded being convicted about my TV watching, Facebook statusing, texting, blogging, … [Read more...]
Jen Hatmaker’s 7 – Chapter 3 – Possessions {Bloom Book Club}
This chapter really got to me. Convicted, disgusted, overwhelmed.I'm convicted, disgusted, and overwhelmed with stuff.I remember when we first got married. Everything we owned was given to us and I remember thinking, "I can't imagine ever having enough stuff to hold a yard sale." We had everything we needed, by American standards, and not much more.Fast … [Read more...]
Jen Hatmaker’s “7” – Chapter Two – Clothes {Bloom Book Club}
I went in to take a picture of my closet and decided against it...ha!We moved a couple of months ago and downsized our closet, but not our wardrobes. Let's just say, it's a mess.When I started this chapter, and as I read it, I didn't think this was a big issue for me. It's obviously not as big of an issue as food is (ahem)!I'm just not into clothes... I just … [Read more...]