I heard the broken words of the woman sitting behind me on the tight flight from West to East. “There are just a lot of places with a lot of sadness.” The weight of her words hung heavy. I wanted to turn around and give this woman a hug – a hug that communicated, “I feel that sadness too. And I feel the brokenness. And it hurts my heart just like it hurts … [Read more...]
5 Simple Prayers to Start Your Day Well
Starting the day off well is essential for many of us. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the first few minutes of the day shape how the next 24 hours will play out. If I wake up frazzled and overwhelmed, my day is likely to feel rushed. If I wake up fearful and anxious, my thoughts tend to linger in the unknown. But when I wake up joyful and confident in the Lord? … [Read more...]
To the One Who Feels Unworthy of a Savior this Easter
Dear soul that feels unworthy of a Savior, I won’t sit here and tell you to feel worthy. Sometimes that is much easier said than believed. And in this season of pretty pastel decorations and pictures of an empty tomb, you might be feeling like you have to get your emotions in order and simply celebrate. But can I remind you of a great truth during this season of … [Read more...]
3 Important Words You Should Say to Your Husband Daily
In that moment, I knew he needed nothing more than to hear the words “I choose you.” I missed home, my family, my friends, and my routine. I was insecure and unsure. I needed comfort and encouragement to enjoy this time in our lives. But the most important thing for my husband to know in this one particular moment was that I chose him, continue to choose him, and … [Read more...]
How to Cultivate Peace in the Midst of Chaos
There was a span of years in my life when I had no hobbies. You might be thinking, How is that possible? Everyone has hobbies. No, it’s not true. I really had no hobbies. I had friends. I had family. I had expectations. I had activities. But I didn’t have any hobbies – nothing that made me brim with passion and excitement. I was living for everyone else, … [Read more...]