Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of the earth and the sky and all that is in them, We come to you humbly, acknowledging to You and reminding ourselves that the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men. This means all attempts of mankind to usurp Your authority will result in devastation on this earth. Every. Single. Time. We can see with our own eyes some of the … [Read more...]
Building on the Rock
I recently wrote a post challenging the notion of so-called "pro-choice Christians." I was dismayed by one Facebook response to that post. It involved a casual, "This doesn't change my mind." Followed by a *shrug*. I think it was the shrug that hurt the most. Not because I was personally acquainted with this woman. I wasn't. And not because her comment was … [Read more...]
My Day on the {Abortion Clinic} Sidewalk
Last Thursday evening I committed to something I'd been praying about for weeks -- ministering on the sidewalk of one of our local abortion clinics.via Sean McGrath edited by meI could have come up with so many excuses not to go, but I could not stop thinking about these babies -- these women.As I tossed and turned that night I couldn't help but think about the other side … [Read more...]
Abortion: On The Front Lines
My heart is broken today. As broken as it was when I wrote this post back in September.I'm sure we've all heard about the horrors in Philadelphia and the trial of Kermit Gosnell. The tragedy that is taking place in our cities is breaking my heart. Photo CreditLast Friday, an abortion mill in my hometown was shut down due to missing … [Read more...]
Stop Abortion Now! {A Call to Action}
I've been thinking about writing this post for the last couple of weeks. This issue has been on my heart for many years and being a mother now, through adoption, it makes it even more urgent and dear to my heart. I want to convey my words correctly and with grace, but with conviction. I want to reach and impact many, and I want the Lord to change minds and … [Read more...]