I have seen this Holiday to do list floating around social media for the past few weeks and just thought it would be fun to share on the blog. I love Christmas, I love giving gifts, I love being with family, I love baking but all of those things hold no eternal value. I have to continually check myself and make sure I am not making this life all about me, and what makes me … [Read more...]
Worship is Never Wasted
Your Worship is Never Wasted You know how the story of Mary and Martha goes, right? Martha is in the kitchen getting everything ready for Jesus. She is serving away and here Mary is "wasting" her perfume, pouring it out on Jesus' feet. This is how Martha would sound in todays time "Uh, Dad, it's not fair! I'm doing all of the work and Mary is just sitting there wasting … [Read more...]
{DIY} Marble Serving Tray
DIY Marble Serving Tray I love entertaining and I love pretty things. So when I saw this DIY Marble serving tray I knew I had to try it out. It is ridiculously easy and takes about 1 minute to accomplish. What you need: Tile of your choice, I chose a carrara marble tile for about $2 Gorilla glue or super glue 2 hardware handles, around $8 depending on where you … [Read more...]
{Recipe} Eggplant Lasagna
I LOVE lasagna, mainly because I love pasta. But since I've been more in touch with my healthier side, I decided to try out Eggplant Lasagna. This was only my second time making it, and I love it. It is way less hassle than "real" lasagna, but is just as satisfying. There are a few things I learned the second time around. For example, get two eggplants, I only used one but … [Read more...]
{Recipe} Pumpkin Bread
Homemade Pumpkin Bread Recipe It's almost that time of year again! The season of scarves, boots, sweaters, and anything with pumpkin in it! I would say this is my favorite time of year, but my birthday is on Christmas Day sooo Christmas is actually my favorite time :) but Fall is a close second. There is something about the crisp air and colorful leaves that leave me in … [Read more...]