Living with Meaning
Many people make it through each day living off of something that is able to be stripped from them in a moment’s notice. They live life with their riches, their good looks, their positions, or their talent.
What happens when those things are suddenly and unexpectedly taken away? Jobs come and go, looks are fleeting, and injuries can prevent us from using talents that give people meaning.
What then? What about life then?
How can you live your life with meaning so that when people look beyond our abilities, beyond our wealth, beyond the position or power that they see the truth about what is at our very core?
Living a meaningful life will allow us to live beyond death when our bodies have been placed in the ground and our life has come to an end.
How then do we live with meaning without riches, without good looks, without position and talent? (Please don’t get me wrong, those things are not bad, but those things can change in an instant, so don’t become dependent on them.)
- We live with meaning when we show compassion. Compassion is needed by all of us, but so many of us are stingy with it. We are greedy and hold on to it with all our might because of past hurts and troubles. Move past the hurt and show compassion daily. Imagine if Christ had decided to hold on to the hurt when people didn’t thank Him, or show gratitude. He showed compassion daily.
- We live with meaning when we glorify Christ in all we say and do. If we decided to be conscious of the thought “does this glorify Christ?” we would make different choices, we would seek wisdom from His Word, and the love of Christ would be seen in every area of our life.
- We live with meaning when we contribute to others. I’m not just talking in the finance area. We need to give of ourselves to our families, to friends, to “others” and do so without hesitation. Your contributions to this world will have a lasting affect! Your attitude and the way you contribute to this world will always be remembered. They will be either positive or negative and that is completely your choice. I hope you’ll contribute great things to your corner of the world.
- We live with meaning when we spread joy to others. JOY and happiness are very different things. Happiness comes from things happening around you. JOY comes directly from Jesus Himself! When the tears fall, we can spread joy to others by showing our faith in Christ through the trial. We can spread joy by showing encouragement, love, and tenderness to family and friends. We can spread joy by living a life of faith and victory instead of giving the impression that we are living a defeated life. JOY is Jesus, Others, and then Yourself.
- We live with meaning when we keep a positive attitude. We absolutely cannot change many circumstances, but you can change the attitude that you face them with. We can waste days, months, and even years wondering “why this happened to me” or we can shed the tears, release the anger, and move on with the great things God has waiting for us! Again, our choice.
- We live with meaning when we enjoy the NOW. God gave us right now! We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Enjoy the blessings we are surrounded with every S I N G L E day! Enjoy the blessing of NOW. Find the good in the Moment, it is right there waiting to be enjoyed!
These are just a few things that will help you live a life of meaning.
You don’t have to wonder about “the meaning” of life, just live a life of meaning!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you live a life of meaning. What do you do? What do you teach your children? Do you let negativity steal your joy of having a Christ filled life?
Have fun living life with meaning!
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Oh my goodness! I enjoyed this so much! My word for this year is SEEK, and just the other day I was thinking on the verse I have claimed – Matthew 6:33. Meditating on how we so often seek the things which can be snatched away from us rather than seeking the One we really need.
That is a great word for the year Beckey! I pray that as you journey through this year that your eyes are opened to the treasures around you that cannot be snatched away!
thank you for the smile this morning!