In Everything Give Thanks
Thanksgiving should be a daily thing, not just an annual event that we celebrate with food, parties, and socializing.
We so often forget to thank the Lord for the millions of little things that He pours out on our lives daily. We find ourselves whining about what we don’t have, wishing for more than we need and all the while never even giving thanks for the priceless gifts that we have been blessed with.
While I’m so very thankful for my husband, family, house, kids, job, vehicles and all the rest, I want to take a moment to think about some of the things that we overlook.
I’m thankful for…..
- Opportunity to make a difference – We love opportunities to make a huge difference, but do we really rejoice in each chance to make a small difference in someone’s day? Appreciate each time that you can lighten a load, bring a smile, or help someone in some small way.
- People along the way – I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to meet some amazing people. I’m sure you have too. Cherish them and let them know just how thankful you are.
- Being pushed out of our comfort zone – We love being comfortable don’t we? We grow more when we are out of our comfort zone. Instead of dreading it, we need to embrace it.
- For the fact that the Lord Delights in us – imagine that. The Creator of the universe not only loves, us but delights in our delight. We are the apple of His eye and sometimes I wonder if we really appreciate that as much as we should.
- Creating Memories – While many people struggle with memory issues, I’m thankful that we can spend time making memories and treasuring them.
- Laughter – when is the last time you’ve really laughed? I mean laughed till you cried? Wasn’t it wonderful? I hope you cherish it each time it happens.
- Compassion and grace – isn’t it a rare thing that people just don’t assume? I know that I’m assuming that most people assume but when someone is making their way through the day with compassion, it’s an amazing thing! Don’t assume and look through eyes of compassion and be thankful when someone does.
- Lessons learned from past difficulties – I’m not like great saints that can give thanks during trials and issues, but I do recognize when I’ve grown and have learned from them.
- God will not and cannot fail – God won’t fail us. He can’t. We can trust Him completely
- God doesn’t just give me strength, He IS my strength – When times are hard and we wonder how we can take one more step, HE strengthens us!
I could literally go on and on and on here but I won’t. I challenge you to spend some time today thinking about all that you are grateful for. Dwell on it, wrap your heart in it and praise HIM for it! Think about the little things that make your life big and Thank Him for it.
Be thankful all year long, not just one month out of the year.
I’d like to share a few other articles with you:
My Ginormous List of Little things that Make life big – This list may remind you of some little things that makes your life big!
I hope these two articles help you to see some new things that you are thankful for!
So tell me – what are Y O U thankful for?
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What a wonderful list. I found myself nodding my head in agreement.
So much to be thankful for. So much to praise our heavenly Father for!
Hi Mary,
I saw the title of your post and had to comment. It’s the exact verse of my children’s picture book “Thankful For Today” by Roitman Trillo.And we agree, we need to be thankful everyday all year long for the blessings of each day. That’s what the story is all about.
Would love to do a book giveaway!
These are great things to be thankful for. We often take these for granted. I love the feeling that gratitude brings. It’s like everything becomes possible. 🙂