Christian Women’s Gift Guide
If you’ve ever attempted to purchase the perfect gift for the women in your life, you know it can be a task! What do you get for the woman who has it all? What about the woman who doesn’t want to ask for anything? What about the woman who just doesn’t know what to ask for…period? Well, we have you covered! The women of STC have handpicked a few of their favorite things and they would would be perfect for any of the special women in your life! Take a peek at a few of our favorite things…
This post contains affiliate links. All opinions (and favorite things) are our own!Victoria’s Secret – Love Spell Fragrance Mist – I don’t know how long I’ve been in love with the Love Spell fragrance from Victoria’s Secret, but it’s been a while. I think Q is probably tired of it, but it’s my fave!
Starbucks Gift Card – I swore I would never be like my mother, but alas I am just like her! I love coffee and I love a Starbucks Iced Coffee – extra cream, 6 pumps of classic, and light ice, please!
Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro Lens – I love my camera, a Canon EOS Rebel T3i
, and I love to take pictures of my babies! So, this awesome macro lens is on my list this year – it’s probably far fetched, but if you’d like to splurge 😉
Raising a Princess: Eight Essential Virtues To Teach Your Daughter By John Croyle – I’ve heard a lot about this book and have wanted to read it, so here it is since I won’t buy it on my own! You can never get too much biblical wisdom on parenting (just make sure it’s theologically sound)!
Victoria’s Secret: Body By Victoria The Fragrance Eau De Parfum Spray – This fragrance has been a favorite of mine for at least 10 years. I have not come across another scent like it. It is long-lasting on the skin and very affordable.
Chic to Cheek: Deluxe Amazonian Clay Blush Set – Normally, one full size blush from this set is $26. This set contains 4 deluxe samples (which is a steal because blush lasts FOREVER). This gift is a makeup lover’s dream. You can also buy this set and use it as 4 different stocking stuffers. #winning
Apple iPad Mini – I have a Droid phone so this gift was perfect for me in order to be able to FaceTime with my husband when he is away for work. My daughter loves seeing her family members on the bigger screen, too!
Naked2 Basics Eyeshadow Makeup Palette – This palette is a great price for 6 neutral, high end shadows. This is a great gift for someone just beginning to dabble in makeup. It’s also a staple item for any female who wears makeup in my opinion. This could be your go to gift for every female on your list this Christmas!
Isaiah 60:1 Printable Poster – My house is covered in printable scripture pictures. They are such an affordable sweet gift to give to anyone. And don’t forget the frame if you buy this. I get mine from any dollar store and just spray paint the picture frame whichever color I think the person will love.
Illume Essentials Amber Dunes Boxed Candle – I actually bought this candle a few weeks ago and I can’t believe I am just now finding out about this scent. If you love fruity and coastal scents, you will love this! I bought the small one for $16 and wish I would have gotten the bigger one because it doesn’t smell as strong. A bonus with this candle is that the jar is a decoration in itself, so when the candle is burned out, clean out the jar and use it as a flower vase.
“A Little Bit of Coffee and a Whole Lot of Jesus” Coffee Mug – If you love Jesus and you love coffee, then you will love this mug 🙂 Drinking coffee out of a fun coffee cup always makes the coffee taste better.
Monogrammed Beach Bag – This is my go-to gift for my friends. I love it because you can personalize all of the colors, patterns, and font. This isn’t just a beach bag, I use it as a travel bag, gym bag, or it could even be a diaper bag.
Essential Oil – Beginners Best of the Best Aromatherapy Gift Set – I think this is an awesome starter pack for a beginner essential oiler 😉 I had no idea how many different uses there are for essential oils, so this would make a wonderful gift!
Burt’s Bees Essential Everyday Beauty Kit – I love that most of these products are organic and it’s a nice gift without having to spend a lot of money. Plus, you get a variety of their products to try!
Bath and Body Works Apple Blossom & Lavender Gift Set – This is a new fragrance at the store, but I love the smell of it! It kind of reminds me of Happy Daisy – when Bath and Body Works had that scent.
Starbucks Sampler Sips of Joy Gift Set – Who doesn’t love Starbucks? This is a great gift for anyone!
La Belle Gem Etsy Shop– Check out this beautiful jewelry, custom made by my friend Nadege. In November, she is donating 90% of her profits to help a family recently impacted by a cancer diagnosis.
Amazing Grace Hymn Art Necklace– I’m a minister of music’s wife and I collect antique hymnals, so this one is near and dear to my heart. What a great gift for the musical church ladies on your list!
Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds by Jen Wilkin – Want to study the Bible, but you’re not really sure how to go about it? Well, I want to learn how to study better, too, so I’m really hoping this one is under my tree this year. You can read more about it here.
Chronicles of the Kings Book Series– I thoroughly enjoyed this Old Testament historical fiction series by Lynn Austin. Read more about it (plus get direct links to each book in the series) here.
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things – If you or someone you know is feeling broken and far from God, then this book will definitely speak to that need. Through exquisite storytelling, Sara Hagerty shares how she found healing, hope, and nearness to God in the midst of tremendous pain and loss.
Lisa Leonard Designs Holiday Collection – Lisa’s designs are simply breathtaking! She offers unique and personalized ways for your family to make this Christmas more meaningful.
Hands Producing Hope – I am a sucker for beautiful accessories! Even more so, accessories with a purpose…”We are an ethical brand with a heart to see artisans around the world empowered to rise above poverty and live healthy and full lives.” -HPH Team
Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes -Community, friendship, and food! Three of my favorite topics! In this book, Shauna weaves these three seamlessly together with hearfelt and genuine personal stories from her own life. The added recipes are the perfect way to engage with those around you and foster authentic community.
Peanuts Memo Pad – Memo’s, sticky notes, and stickers fill my bible journal, blogging planners, and home schooling planner. These kind of things make great stocking stuffers for me or anyone else with a memo pad obsession!
Live by Faith Journal – I go through at least two journals a year and my Hubby knows that finding these under the tree fills one of my love languages. Nothing says “I Love You” more to me than having something intimate, like my prayer journal, picked out by my spouse.
Moms’ Night Out Coffee Mug – I emailed a picture of this mug to my hubby and he said, “That fits you.” A coffee mug is my ultimate accessory because it holds my hot chocolate. I love my mugs to reflect who I am as a person and this mug definitely suits my personality!
Signature Chocolates – I confess, I am addicted to the most sensual food on earth….chocolate. No, not the cheap stuff that you can get for your children, but the signature chocolates. My ultimate treat is Daniel Hedgehogs. My mom used to get them for me at Christmas time as a child and they just bring back childhood memories with every bite!
Pearl Earrings – Pearl earrings are classic and versatile. They can be worn everyday or on special occasions, which is why I think every women should have a pair. So this year, the are on my list.
A Trip to Gaylord National Resort – The ice slide looks like so much fun. I have been eyeing the Gaylord Ice show for the last few years and think it would be the perfect gift for a family or an adult who desire to embrace their inner child.
Blank Leather Journal – For several years I have had a desire to keep track of lessons that Christ is teaching me in life. I think this journal will be perfect for that goal.
Ginger Tea – My morning devotional includes having tea with God. I love the taste of ginger and would often use fresh ginger until I found this tea. It is convenient and contains real ginger.
Fuzzy Socks – What can I say? I like to be comfy. And I like warm feet.
My Prayer Journal – Though I don’t typically write in a journal, I’ve thought often lately about how I’d like to have a method for keeping tack of prayer requests and answered prayers. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of prayer needs that come to my attention. It seems this beautiful journal would serve a very practical purpose in my walk with God.
Sterling Silver Heart with Mustard Seed Christian Faith and Passage Plate Necklace – I heard a message via podcast recently which challenged me to put my mustard seed of faith on God’s side. I loved this way of viewing faith, because it so perfectly encapsulates the truth that faith is a choice. This necklace reminds me of the truth of that message, and the importance of walking by faith and not by sight in a way that involves real choices I make every single day.
Proverbs 3:5-6: Nail Bangle Bracelet – I really don’t wear much jewelry. I’m a woman of simple tastes; however, I’ve recently been appreciating jewelry that bears spiritual significance. It reminds me of God’s command in Deuteronomy 6 to “tie [His words] as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” It serves as a tangible, visible reminder of my identity as a Christ-follower.
Scarleton Large Drawstring Handbag – I love purses. I typically use one until it cannot be used anymore. I try and treat myself to a new one each Christmas. Yes…I’m that tough on a bag.
Mary Kay Journey Perfume – I am super picky about my perfumes. I don’t like floral smelling ones at all on me. Journey perfume is a clean scent. Easy to wear and lasts well into the evening. People always ask me what I’m wearing because it smells so very nice!
Gooseberry Patch Everyday Comfort Food Cookbook – I loooove cookbooks in general. I have so many of them and try to make new recipes as often as I can. I love the easy ones like Gooseberry Patch always offers. I need it to be quick, easy and delicious.
Beside Still Waters: Words Of Comfort For The Soul – This book was gifted to me by a friend. I now use it for those that I know who are going through difficult times. This daily devotional is a very quick but powerful read. Each day there are words of inspiration, encouragement and hope for those hurting. Get one for yourself and get one to give. You’ll be glad you did!
Sewing Machine – With a never ending supply of pins to guide anyone through sewing projects from beginnner level (ME!) to advanced, I wonder if sewing machines will be a popular gift this year?
Faith, Hope & Love Bag – I adore it! I love prints – Aztec, Chevron, Ikat, Plaid, and everything in between. I also love bags, of course.
Canning for a New Generation: Bold, Fresh Flavors for the Modern Pantry – Love the concept. Canning, but with modern flavors and variety. Learning to can different meals can be as much a help to the busy mom as freezer cooking is.
Prayer Stool – I’ve had my eye on one of these for years. I always do better with my prayer time when I have a dedicated spot in my home to meet with my Jesus.
What’s on your wish list this year?
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I LOVE these ideas! Pinning 🙂 So many awesome gift ideas 🙂
I love the mission behind Trades of Hope and have been very happy with my purchases from them!
You should check out Deeply Rooted Magazine. It’s a great gift for Christian friends!