Genesis 25:21 – A Glimpse at Praying for a Beloved Spouse
If you’d like to print this scripture and prayer out for your prayer journal or as a reminder to pray for your spouse, simply click the picture! You’ll be able to download it or print it. Don’t forget to pin – a marriage could be mightily restored just by reminding someone to pray for their spouse.
Have you been praying along with STC? We thank you for it!
If you are not sure what this is about, please take a moment to read a bit about our hearts and why we are asking our viewers, subscribers, and readers to join us in prayer – to pray for us – here at the intro post:
Or if you need just a brief reminder – here is a sum up of the blog prayer intro post.
- We are asking our viewers to pray for STC, as a ministry to women.
- We’ll be posting one line prayer needs once a week, on Sundays.
- Come by, read it, PRAY it. It will take less than a minute.
- Share it if you feel led to.
We’ve been blogging through the bible with Women Living Well – and we’ve been blessed week after week by spending time with God and precious sisters around the world.!
Latest posts by Shirley (see all)
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- Life Verses for a Radical Modern Faith - April 4, 2016
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