21 Ways to Enjoy a Break from Homeschooling
*Photo credit: Lightstock.com*
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
It is not an easy calling to be a homeschool parent, but it is a rewarding one. Whether you need an hour, a day or a week off of homeschool, trust in God that He will bring you back refreshed and ready to make the homeschool year the best one yet! There’s plenty of time to finish a curriculum, but we only get a short time with our children before they are grown.
For the Homeschool Parent:
- Pray – This should be the number one answer in everything in life, but it is the one most forgotten.
- Rest – For some of us, this is easier said than done.
- Ask for help – This does not make you a bad parent or homeschool parent, but it does show that you are human. We like to do it all, but sometimes we need help.
- Meet up with a friend and have a good laugh – If you and your friend’s kids are the same age, arrange a playdate and have some adult conversations while the kids play.
- When in doubt, there’s always Starbucks – Leave the kids with your spouse for an hour and go enjoy a coffee and a good book. Pumpkin flavor’s only around for so long you know 😉
- Light some candles and enjoy a bubble bath.
- If you like to exercise, go for a run, to the gym, swim, walk, dance, or do some yoga to get you back to feeling like you.
- Write in a journal.
- Read a good book.
- Watch that movie you’ve been waiting to see.
- Have a date night with your spouse!
For the Homeschool family:
- Go on a field trip. There are tons of museums, zoos, historical sites, libraries, parks, beaches, and fun adventures to get into right around where you live.
- If your budget allows, take a vacation. Learning doesn’t stop just because there is no set curriculum or books with you.
- If a vacation is not in the budget, do a staycation. That’s going somewhere within driving distance from your house and enjoying the activities for the day. For instance, my family and I went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom resort for lunch and spent the whole day in Downtown Disney. Less than $80 for the day for the four of us!
- Have a “Mommy and Me” or a “Daddy and Me” day with each of your children. It doesn’t have to be anything but going to get ice cream and talking with them one on one.
- Go camping as a family. (Even if it’s just to the backyard!)
- Go visit with some friends or relatives – a trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s house may just be what you all need!
- Ask one of your older children to teach what they want for the week to the younger ones, or ask what they want to know for that week. It could lead to a grand adventure!
- Research the area where you live. You would be surprised at all your town or county has to offer and then go exploring! (And many of the options here are free!)
- Get some of your family or friends together and build a project together or create a play.
- Volunteer with your children whether it be at a food shelter or a nursing home, there’s always help needed and appreciated somewhere.
What is your favorite way to refresh on a homeschool break?
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My name is Kelly and I am a child of God and married to my high school sweetheart. I am a second year Homeschool Momma to two wonderful little boys. I like to document our activities that we do weekly. Most of the information I find is from preschool to first grade level. I also like to write inspirational articles that encourage people about the Lord, marriage, family, homeschool, home, recipes, and crafts.
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