I don’t know how much you poke around here at STC, but if you’ve been around for any period of time you’ve probably realized that we have 15 awesome authors that minister here in this space.
Yes, 15 women that give freely of their time to minister to you! They aren’t paid staff (although I do try to reward them as often as possible!), they genuinely want to serve you – no strings attached!
But, as you may know, running a tight ship of this size can be a daunting task! Have you ever looked into the amount of time and effort it takes to run an online community?
A ton!
But, we love what we do and we love ministering to you. It really is the heart of our mission here.
For a while I’ve wracked my brain as to how we could minister effectively, reach the most people, and glorify God in the process. And I’ve come to realize that I can’t do it all – and neither can my current team!
So we’ve come up with (thanks to our genius Shirley!) two new opportunities for you to become a part of the team here at STC! One is a one-time commitment, the other is more long term:
Guest Posting at STC
We love our authors here at STC, but often times life gets busy and we have open spots in our schedule. Our authors are wives, moms, teachers, foster parents, moms-to-be, and more! Our schedules, often times, don’t allow us to keep up the commitment that’s required of us here. So we’ve opened up the opportunity for you to be a part of our team in the form of guest posting!
We’ve lined out all of the details on our Guest Post page, so hop on over and take a look! We would be honored to invite you to our space in this way!
Serving at STC
Our servant team positions are the more long term opportunities we have here on the site. These are more involved daily/weekly tasks that help to keep us afloat. As I said above, there is a ton of time and effort that goes into making STC what it is and striving to reach as many women as we can with Christ’s love.
We currently have 4 positions open, which are all outlined in detail on our Servant Team page. Hop on over and check out how you can become a part of our team and serve women all over the world!
But, I want to talk a little bit more about these positions because they hold a special significance for me. I know many of you (after hopping over to the servant team page) are thinking, “Y’all must be crazy to expect someone to invest that amount of time – for nothing!”
Well, yes and no. You see, I served in a position like one that we have posted for a year and a half – for nothing! I worked my tail off every morning doing social media for an eMinistry because I know the Lord called me to.
Sometimes the Lord asks us to serve with no expectation of anything in return. Some of you may be empty-nesters, not-yet-married, childless, unemployed, or the like and you may have some extra time on your hands.
Or, you may be a busy pastor’s wife and stay-at-home-mom (like me!), but still have a heart to serve the Lord right where you are!
These positions are for you! Maybe you’re not a writer, but you enjoy social media (like I do). Maybe you’re not the best at social media, but you enjoy back end website stuff. Maybe you’re not proficient in WordPress, but you know a thing about marketing. Whatever your strength is, the Lord can use it – right where you are!
But, let me get back to my little story of serving the Lord right where I am. I served faithfully for a year in this eMinistry and I was then given the opportunity to start my own social media business – something I never would have had the experience to do if I hadn’t have served for nothing for a year and a half! Now I own my own business, work from home, and can help provide for my family! Go God!
So, all of that to say – we would love to have you check out our current positions and to pray about where the Lord might be asking you to serve. We’re praying for the right people to come along and hold our arms up here! We’re staying afloat, but we know that we can do better in reaching women all over the world with the love and saving truth of Jesus Christ.
Will you join us?
Latest posts by Christie (see all)
- Remembering Mandy Kelly from Worshipful Living - March 29, 2017
- Homosexuality Should Not Polarize the Church - November 17, 2016
- Grace & Truth {Week 69} - May 6, 2016
Mary Flaherty says
Sounds like you’re doing a lot for the Lord! This is great that you’re opening up your platform for guest bloggers. I’m still new to the Linkup World, and social media is not my strength; writing is. But I’m going to pray and check out your site a little further. Thank you for this.
Christie says
Thank you for praying, Mary! We would love to have you join us if the Lord leads you to!
Thanks for stopping by!