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“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Hearing from God and living with wisdom are two of those things that I hope I have right. But unfortunately I am not always so sure. I wish for an instruction manual. A map. Or a nice bright billboard pointing the way. But most of the time (ok never) it doesn’t happen that way. And so I do my best. Sometimes feeling like I am riding at the top of the wave. Just exactly where I am supposed to be. And other times I feel the crash and smash pounding into me, sucking me under.
Are you hoping for the answer? The key to unlock the mystery? Well, I hate to disappoint but this is not that post. If you find it let me know. 🙂 But seriously, this is about finding God’s heart. Understanding who He is and what He wants us to do. Because the wonderful fact of the matter is, He has a plan. And He wants us to accomplish our part in that plan. As I live this life. I realize that my job is not always to know the plan. Much as that drives me crazy, sometimes, most of the time, He asks simply for obedience and patience.
In July of 2013 I was stuck in a bed, in my living room. Life was not great. I had a broken ankle. It wasn’t healing. I couldn’t work. The Hubs had a job but didn’t get paid over the summer. I didn’t have insurance. Did I mention life wasn’t great? We were out of money with no means of an income and The Hubs was searching desperately for work, but hadn’t had any luck. We did the only thing we could do. We prayed. And prayed. And prayed some more. I would love to tell you that Jesus came into my living room and told me what to do. But he didn’t. He didn’t really say anything. It was as if our prayers were hitting a wall. Discouragement and frustration were constant companions. And still we prayed. Always praying, Wherever You send us. We will go. Only the right place. We want what you want. And The Hubs got another interview. This time in a city 5 hours away from all that we held near and dear. A city neither of us knew anything about. He went and they loved him. So much, they offered him a job. People questioned our reason for leaving. They said it was out of desperation. That we would have gone anywhere. But we knew. It was scary. It was hard. Remember I couldn’t walk. The Hubs did all the packing (minus the help of some amazing friends and family) and we left our home. We still had no money. And we had nowhere to live. For 3 weeks we hopped from hotel to hotel. It was insane. And I wanted to run away. But we knew. God had called us to this place. We didn’t know why. But we knew that as awful as things looked we were where we were meant to be.
Slowly. Ever so slowly. Things began to improve. We found a house. A church. I began to walk again. And life started to look normal. Time passed. I got a job. M was getting settled in school. The Hubs was succeeding at work. We began to feel restless. Feeling there was something more. But not knowing what. So we prayed. And again there were no flashes of lightning. No booming voices from the sky. No answer at all except for a peace to keep doing what we were doing. Which to us, seemed like nothing. But we stayed. And we did. We didn’t understand. We were being positioned. That the plan was in motion and was about to produce results. But that is exactly what happened. Eight months, sometimes very long months, after we entered our new city, we received a phone call. A completely unexpected phone call. A DHS caseworker wanted to know if we were interested in a 19 month old and a 9 year old girl. And we knew. It doesn’t happen this way. And yet here we are. Now with three beautiful children. I marvel at the Author of the plan. I am overwhelmed by His goodness and wisdom. And I am so grateful. Grateful that we obeyed. When it wasn’t easy. Grateful that we stayed. When I wanted to run as fast and as far as I could. Grateful that God knows best. Because my plans pale in comparison.
There are so many details. I have left many of them out. But what God has done for me. He can and will do for you. We don’t always have the answer. And we don’t always need to. Our job is simply to trust in the One who does. Be encouraged today. Wherever you are. Waiting on or walking in the plan. Don’t rush God. It doesn’t work anyways. 🙂
Press in and press on. It isn’t easy. I won’t lie to you and say that it is. This past year of my life has been difficult. And there have been difficult years before. There will probably be more to come. But. And that is a big but. My God. Your God. Is always there and He always sees. We are never alone. And He is faithful to complete the good work that He has begun.
There are so many details. I have left many of them out. But what God has done for me. He can and will do for you. We don’t always have the answer. And we don’t always need to. Our job is simply to trust in the One who does. Be encouraged today. Wherever you are. Waiting on or walking in the plan. Don’t rush God. It doesn’t work anyways. 🙂
Press in and press on. It isn’t easy. I won’t lie to you and say that it is. This past year of my life has been difficult. And there have been difficult years before. There will probably be more to come. But. And that is a big but. My God. Your God. Is always there and He always sees. We are never alone. And He is faithful to complete the good work that He has begun.
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Hi Lauralee! I am coming over from Sharing His Beauty.
Doesn’t it seem like God makes sure we are at the bottom before he lifts us up? And what a journey to adding to your family! I am an adoptive mom myself, and a former foster mom. I know how huge this moment was for you! Good thing your ankle was healed, you were going to need it. Big time!
But this is a wonderful story of hope, faith and reward. Thank you for sharing it today with all of us.
Great to meet you too!
Thanks for stopping by! And yes, sometimes it does seem like we have to go to the bottom first. I am so glad that we serve a good God, who picks us up even from the lowest of places. 🙂