When it comes to serving, we often don’t know where to begin.
We think we need to help everyone or we think that we need to perform some grand service. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I think we need to begin with compassion.
Webster’s dictionary defines compassion as sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help. How often do we just stop at sympathy? We feel bad for people who are hurting. We really do! We see a need and it overwhelms us. We think the need is too big to meet. We think that we are not equipped. We think that someone else will step up and fix it.
In both of the books of Mark and Matthew, the writers tell us about two blind men and a man with leprosy. They were desperate for healing. They all called out to Jesus in their own ways. They were courageous enough to ask Him to heal them.
In Matthew 20:34 and Mark 1:40, it says that Jesus was moved with compassion. He then reached out to them and healed them. How simple is that? Jesus saw a need. He had compassion on the hurting. His compassion moved Him to action.
Start Small
Hurting people are not expecting some huge act of service. They would honestly just be grateful for the act of a huge showing of love.
My church has been a part of huge acts of service, such as giving away over 1,000 bikes to kids in the inner city, but the most response we’ve received are from events like “Hams For Fams” where we provide full Thanksgiving meals to families who can’t afford it. The whole world wasn’t changed but the lives of a few hundred people were.
Ask the Lord to show you the needs around you and start there. Simple is good. Simple things matter. A bottle of water goes a long way. A smile goes a long way. A hug or a word of encouragement goes a long way.
Do It All Unto The Lord
“Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17
It doesn’t matter what you do. It matters why you do it. Go into every situation with the desire to obey God, to honor God and to display the love of God. Everything else will flow from that place. We serve because it pleases the Father’s heart.
Faith Without Works Is Dead
The second chapter of James rocks my world every time I read it! He wonders how someone can see a need and not practically offer help. He doesn’t understand how our compassion doesn’t lead us to some kind of action.
Works are an overflow of our faith. We serve because it is the very heart of God. We don’t serve or perform works in order to earn salvation. That is a beautiful free gift from God.
Be moved with compassion and offer the healing of Jesus to the hurting lives around you.
Do you have a hard time moving beyond compassion? Describe a time when your compassion led you to action and describe what happened.
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I admit that I’m not as good at this as I have been or should be, but the general response I’ve gotten is a look of shock. This quickly goes to thanks, but always starts with surprise.
Amy, Karina Fail! I meant to reply to youon Wednesday and totally forgot!
I am not always goo at this but I think that I am slowly getting better. I understand those looks. People don’t really expect for other people to offer help. The world can be so harsh and cold. I love it when God moves and I actually hear Him and I follow His leading. It is such a blessing to the other person and to myself as well.
I love the book of James, and I am going to start praying for greater compassion and direction. You are right that Jesus had and showed compassion, so i want it too!
Amen Shirley Ann!
I just want to emulate Christ. He is the perfect example of compassion and serving.
Thank you for sharing! I hope you have an amazing weekend!!!!
This is so inspiring! Made my whole day!!
Visiting from Joan’s. This really spoke to my heart because I’ve been struggling with feeling I’m not seeing or serving the needs of others. And you are right, often we think we need to do something big and grand. We can start small. We can’t begin by seeing the need and showing compassion. Thank you for this today. Blessings.
Thank you for a morning inspiration! Reminding us that serving is all around us, we just need to see it! Holly
This is a beautiful reminder and a lovely article. Thank you for posting it to the Pintastic Pinterest Party.