Serving is something that is very much the heartbeat of my church and has made its home deep in my heart. Our church was founded on the belief that we aren’t simply to teach the gospel, we are to live it out, act it out, serve it out – in our community, world wide, and YES! online!
So much about leadership is caught rather than taught.
We are blessed to have many leaders who faithfully teach us about serving through exampleship (I’m sure you can look around your community and find a few!) Servant leaders will give sacrificially, go the extra mile, and serve willingly without expecting anything in return.
But as much as we love our modern day examples, we have an even better one to follow! Jesus!
In Matthew 20:28, Jesus said that He did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. If Jesus knew that serving was His purpose on the earth, how much more should we know and live this?
When it comes to serving, it is important to ask yourself if you even have a heart to serve. So often, in this culture, we become so caught up with our busy lives and all of our stuff that we completely miss the needs around us. God’s heart is to meet those needs through us.
Two of the most common hindrances to serving are:
1) We are overwhelmed by the needs around us.
Yes, the needs are great and much more than any one person could fix. But, that’s okay. We are not called to meet every need. And the Lord does not expect us to.
Everyone can’t do everything but everyone can do something.
2) We are under the assumption that we have to do something big. That is the complete opposite of how God works. There are needs all around us. You don’t have to look very far to find them. You don’t have to come up with a million ideas to meet them. The beauty of serving is that it doesn’t have to be some extravagant gesture.
It is often the smallest things that have the biggest impact.
My prayer is that we would all seek God’s heart, and ask Him to make our spirits sensitive to the needs around us – that we would all look for and obey in situations to contribute to God’s kingdom on earth. I imagine God would be wonderfully blessed if you made this your heart’s cry!
What have you found to be your greatest hindrances when it comes to serving?
Serve The Lord Where You Are
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This is awesome! we need to be people of service…but with out all the guilt that comes with the desire to do more but can’t. thanks for the reminder!
Marie! I forget that I get comments here! Fail! Thank you for commenting! Amen about the no guilt. Completely don’t have time for that!
I agree that serving is so vitally important. Thanks for linking on Pintastic Pinteresting Party.
Hey Jill! I am so glad that you visited this post! I Serving makes such a difference. It really has shaped my life!
This wonderful post is being featured on my blog today as part of Tuesdays with a Twist blog hop! If you get a chance, please stop by and grab a featured button.
Angelique! Apparently I am horrible at checking my comments her! Thank you SO much sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!