I just love that the re-visioned, God-envisioned STC blog has launched with the coming of April. Not only are we celebrating this space which is dedicated to Christ and written to minister to His daughters, we are also rejoicing in the fact that our Messiah is resurrected! He has defeated the grave! That phrase alone brings indescribable joy!
April has me grinning and celebrating because there is indeed – a perfect reason – for why Easter is such a happy holiday! April has found me doubly blessed this year because that same Savior has not only conquered sin, He has found the time to perfectly guide my life, Christie’s, and twelve other women’s, to this blog, this April, to minister to and love on His precious daughters! (By the way, we are growing and learning with you!) This wonderful gift brings me to my knees in gratitude, I mean, “How great is the Father’s love for us!”?
And because we experience times of God-given joy, but also endure the heart ache of sorrow. Sorrow that also breaks the Father’s heart as He watches over us.
The enemy was rapidly plunging me from a place of joy with my Savior, to a sorrowful depth (much like he did to the disciples and Mary, Jesus’ earthly mama, during the Lord’s crucifixion.)
Well, that family member’s prayer, and a little bit of stubbornness kicked into gear, along with my Heavenly Father saying, “that’s enough.” I began to seek out God’s joy. I tracked it down, and began to cry out in prayer saying, “God, I’m ready to leave this sorrow behind and walk in your joy, help me!” I wandered through one verse after another that built the ladder for me to get out of this sorrowful depth. God’s word was my way out; it is always the best way out.
I want to share this ladder with you (free printable style! oh yeah!), but first a warning. God did indeed provide His word and wonderful prayer communication to pull me out, but the enemy still knew my soft spot. In the weeks since I decided to chuck sorrow, and pursue joy, he found one particular sore spot and began bullying me there with great intensity. I am still under that attack. He still wants me to wallow in sorrow. But guess what, I’ve got my ladder. Grab it friends, and haul it around with you, you never know when you may need it!
Latest posts by Shirley (see all)
- The Why’s and How’s of Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - April 26, 2016
- Life Verses for a Radical Modern Faith - April 4, 2016
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there IS JOY in Christ even when the pain is great. often the pain covers it. Thankfully God’s grace is greater than the pain and sorrow.
thanks for a great post!
Agreed! Thanks Marie!
It’s such a comfort to know that we can experience the joy of Christ even when He allows tough times to come our way. Thanks for the encouragement, Shirley! :0)
Your welcome! Thanks for stopping by – it’s so true that God has provided a “comfort” to us!
He who began a good work in me will complete it! (Philippians 1: 6)
Thanks for linking up at “Share Your Stuff Tuesday” (Rachael http://www.parentingandhomeschoolinginfaith.com)
Glad to Rachael! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thank you for this awesome post- and for linking up with us over at A Look At The Book & Women of Worship! 🙂
Thanks Mandy. So glad you stopped by!