Welcome to week ten of Tuesday’s Prayers! Trinity and I were so pleased by the response we had last week!
It’s been a pretty quiet week here. Please continue to pray for us as baby girl’s due date is less than 4 weeks away! We are still in need of about $5,500 to be fully funded and the Lord has provided close to $30,000 already! We are confident that He will provide it ALL!
We’re still raising funds with our online auction fundraisers, too! Be sure to stop by here tomorrow morning and see what we have to bid on!
Now, onto Tuesday’s Prayers!
Today gives us a chance, as believers, to come together, united in prayer, leaving specific prayer requests, encouraging fellow believers, and so much more. It’s a way for us to come together, united, as we seek His will. Trinity and I will also visit each of you, pray over your blog, and for you by name; all the while knowing that the Lord is mighty to answer!
Sounds pretty great, right?! So, link-up your main blog URL or a specific post if you’ve written a specific prayer request down. Share your thoughts, your concerns, your blessings, your prayers; whatever is on your heart in the comments section. Make sure you leave the name of your blog with your comment and if you’d rather not share your request in the link-up, feel free to email us directly.
Christie: STCBlogNC {at} hotmail {dot} com
Trinity: trinityvaughanbains {at} gmail {dot} com
Trinity: trinityvaughanbains {at} gmail {dot} com
We’d also love it if you grabbed a button and helped to spread the word and stopped to visit a few of the other blogs that have linked up.
May each of you experience the life changing impact and power of communal prayer today! We’re blessed to have you here…
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Christie is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful little girls, a pastor's wife, and lover of Jesus. Her hope is that STC would be a source of encouragement for women all over the world!
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