I Love You No Matter What, written and illustrated by J. Rutland has become a new favorite in our house! This cute book tells the story of the prodigal son in children’s terms and reminds us all of the Lord’s rejoicing when the lost return to Him.
As Little Blue plans to run away from the nest, Daddy Blue offers up a story of Prince Chirpio….
Prince Chirpio lived a wonderful life in Skinny Tree Kingdom but he soon began to dream about leaving the nest, becoming a brave prince, and finding adventure on his own. One night he grabbed the bird seed his father had stored up for him and he left the castle.
He soon made a few friends that offered their help for a few seed. He had a beautiful nest, a fancy robe, a tummy full of chocolate birdseed, and friends to share with. But soon his seed was gone and so were his friends.
As you can imagine from reading the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32, Prince Chirpio found himself eating with the pigs and wanting nothing more than to return home to the castle and his father. He decided he’d had enough and he set off for home, wandering all the while whether the King would still love him.
“‘I don’t like the choices you made,’ the king answered, ‘but I’m so happy you came home. Listen carefully, my son. No matter what you do, no matter where you go, I love you no matter what.'”
After hearing the story of Prince Chirpio, Little Blue was content with staying right at home.
What an awesome picture for our children to see just how much the Lord love his children, through Prince Chirpio and Little Blue.
Today, one reader will win a copy of I Love You No Matter What. Please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.
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Thomas Nelson provided a copy of I Love You No Matter What for me to review and keep. All opinions are my own.
Thomas Nelson provided a copy of I Love You No Matter What for me to review and keep. All opinions are my own.
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Christie is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful little girls, a pastor's wife, and lover of Jesus. Her hope is that STC would be a source of encouragement for women all over the world!
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