How many times have we all said, “I’m praying for you!”?
I know I tell someone, if not many someones, every day that I’m praying for them and lately I’ve been convicted by the fact that sometimes I don’t…
Whether it be because I forget or because I never really meant it, I’m burdened by it.
Has the term, “I’m praying for you!” become so common place that it has no substantial meaning any longer? If so, we’ve got some praying that needs to be done. Prayer for revival in our hearts and our homes.
If Jesus, God in flesh, could pray for us who are we to not pray fervently for others?
praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints
Ephesians 6:18
What I’ve committed to is being alert and aware when I tell someone that I’m praying for them. Many times that means stopping whatever I’m doing at that exact moment and lifting that person up in prayer. My mind is so scatterbrained that if I leave it for later, I won’t do it.
Setting aside a specific time of day to get in the word and pray for others is also something that helps. I’ve even been burdened, by the Lord, in the middle of the night before. And when the Lord says, “Get up and pray.” you get up and pray! 🙂
More importantly, the fact that the Lord has given us the ability and the privilege to even speak to Him is beyond me! To know that He wants to hear something from me humbles me more than you know. And to be able to even hold His word in my hands is a gift I don’t deserve.
Today, I encourage you to spend more time in prayer for others. I’m positive you’ll be blessed by it!
I’m linking up here:

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Christie is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful little girls, a pastor's wife, and lover of Jesus. Her hope is that STC would be a source of encouragement for women all over the world!
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I really love this and I too struggle with the same conviction. I too, stop and pray but often forget to keep praying for that person. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings, Sarah
I completely agree. I’ve started to refrain from saying – you’ll be in my prayers, or I’m praying for you, because I don’t want it to be just something to say. Just like we wouldn’t say I love you unless we mean it. I struggle with prayer, and telling someone I’ll be doing something that I might actually forget to do is disheartening. praying right then and there is definitely better than leaving it for later. great, great post!
Hey, have you been poking around in my brain?! 😉
I know a gal that will ask for prayers like this “If it comes to your mind & you are so moved, would you pray….”. I really like that & try to remember to do that.
What a great topic, Christie – you’ve touched something we all deal with! How about a post on HOW to EASILY keep up with all of the prayers? I get to feeling “guilty” when I forget someone, and am not good with keeping track of them all.
God bless!
Thank you for the encouragement about prayer! I think it is one of our greatest “weapons” in fighting the Good fight of faith. Found your blog from Bloggy Mom’s and the Aloha link up, visiting today.
I have to stop what I am doing also–I won’t remember. I agree–ability and privilege.WOW!
Be blessed:)
Hi! I just stopped by from the Friendly Friday blog hop- and you know what is crazy- I have been thinking about this exact topic a ton lately! I recently committed to not saying that again, and instead just praying for them on the spot or just DOING IT. I feel so much less guilt, and I am actually praying more!
Needless to say, I am a new follower and look forward to more!
Great post! I agree with you – the phrase “I’m praying for you”, and similar words, have become almost as mundane as “Have a nice day”. Like you, I often pray for the person immediately so the words will not have been a waste.
So true – we say that so easily, but do we follow through? Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder. (Visiting from Heart and Home)
This is such a great reminder! It’s so easy to not follow through. I’ve been keeping a list in my journal lately. Even just writing it helps me because I can take the time to pray while I’m journaling! I found you through Desire to Inspire and I’m so glad I did 🙂