A little change is coming to Satisfaction Through Christ!!
I’ve thought a lot lately about what I wanted out of this blog and how I wanted to use it to glorify the Lord. I feel like I’ve done exactly what the Lord has asked me to do with this space over the last 3 years (in November..wow!), but I feel like my subject base needs to expand a little bit.
People always ask, “What are your hobbies, what do you enjoy doing, what makes you happy.” I’ve always struggled to figure out the hobbies that I have and the things that I enjoy. But, as of lately, I’ve realized what brings me joy…
- The Lord
- My family
- Caring for my family
- and…being a good steward of what the Lord has blessed me with
So, we’re going to expand the blog and discuss all of these things that bring me joy! Mainly topics on how to care for your family on a budget, ways I care for my family while being a stay-at-home mom, and tips for being a good steward of all that the Lord has given us.
Of course, adoption and my family are still great joys for me and they will continue to be an integral part of my blog. I would love to share those joys with a new dynamic of people and give God the glory in every avenue of the blogosphere!
I hope you’ll stick around for the ride as we seek to glorify the Lord in all facets of our lives. And as I seek to share my passion of loving, caring for, and providing for my family while being a good steward of all that He’s blessed us with!
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Christie is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful little girls, a pastor's wife, and lover of Jesus. Her hope is that STC would be a source of encouragement for women all over the world!
Latest posts by Christie (see all)
- Remembering Mandy Kelly from Worshipful Living - March 29, 2017
- Homosexuality Should Not Polarize the Church - November 17, 2016
- Grace & Truth {Week 69} - May 6, 2016