Just received a call from one of the little boys social workers. She informed me that they had chosen and interviewed 3 families and chose one today.
Can I tell you the heartbreak I’m feeling right now?
I know that this is the door that I asked to be closed, but at the same time, this is the first bit of heartache that we’ve had to face in this process.
Will you please pray that our homestudy will get into the right hands for the other little boy?
Thanks, friends.
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Christie is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful little girls, a pastor's wife, and lover of Jesus. Her hope is that STC would be a source of encouragement for women all over the world!
Latest posts by Christie (see all)
- Remembering Mandy Kelly from Worshipful Living - March 29, 2017
- Homosexuality Should Not Polarize the Church - November 17, 2016
- Grace & Truth {Week 69} - May 6, 2016
Praying for you. I know the adoption process has alot of hurry up and wait.
Praying with you! Trusting God Christie to make sure the perfect child is brought into your lives forever. I know waiting is hard but trust me when I say it is worth every bit of it to know the child He gives you is the ONE He hand selected and not the one we choose.
Love you!
I agree with Jill’s comment above. You will someday be SO thankful that every door BUT the door of YOUR child was closed. That doesn’t mean that you don’t feel the disappointment now. I’m praying for you to feel God’s comfort and gain a supernatural faith that He is deciding every yes, no, and delay in this process.
I agree with “Mom to 9 Blessings!” – I know it’s hard to understand why these things happen but God already has the child (or children) in mind for you, and He is just so excited to reveal these children to you!! We were not chosen in probably 10 different opportunities, and it is heartbreaking. Just keep telling yourself that God will not take away his promises to you, that YOUR child is coming in His time. Sometimes what we see as inefficiencies on the part of others (the social worker not getting the home study into the right hands at the right time) is actually God’s way of orchestrating the most beautiful love story ever. Believe me, it’s WORTH it!!! 🙂 Praying for you for strength and peace.
Oh…….I am sorry. It is hard to have a door shut. Praying God opens another door! And gives you the desires of your heart- children!!!! PRAYING WITH YOU!!
Sorry friend :0( I know exactly how heartbreaking that kind of news is … praying for those open doors to start opening SOOOOOON!
Revelation 3:7…These are the words of him who is holy & true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, & what he shuts, no one can open.
Years ago when our journey began, I always prayed that he would either open the door wide, or shut it tight b/c I never wanted to walk somewhere that He did not want me to go. I didn’t even know until after Kaya came along (our first open door), that I had actually been praying according to scripture. This verse has become a huge part of our prayer life b/c it’s all about trusting Him…and He is good!
I know I already texted this to you, but I just KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW that God has His best for you, & I look forward to the day when we can all say, “So this is what you had in mind!” Love you ~ Dardi
I am so sorry, Christie. May you feel God’s arms around you tonight…
God’s timing is perfect. You will be able to look back and see that someday. I remember that being “pregnant” with adoption is just as hard!!! Praying for you to have perfect peace in the process.
praying for you dear one!
Praying, praying. I am heartbroken with you to hear this news. I pray that the Lord would make clear the next step and that if He wills this next sweet boy to be part of your family, that it would happen quickly.
Thank you for being so honest and sharing your joys and your hurts with the world through your blog. We are praying for you and your family.
Praying for you….