I know I have been horrible about updating lately. I guess because I don’t really have much to update you on. We are on week 2 of waiting to hear back from both of the social workers. I can’t help but be anxious, as much as I’d like to be that “perfect Christian” ya know! But, having these little faces in my mind just doesn’t help matters.
I emailed our social worker this morning to see if she’d heard anything. No, and she even said that they often times accept homestudies for up to a month. But, she did say that a colleague of hers (in that particular county) said that they were looking for an interracial couple with no kids. So, looks like we “fit the bill”.
Continue to pray for us as we seek to follow God’s will without anxious hearts!
Latest posts by Christie (see all)
- Remembering Mandy Kelly from Worshipful Living - March 29, 2017
- Homosexuality Should Not Polarize the Church - November 17, 2016
- Grace & Truth {Week 69} - May 6, 2016
Our prayers remain with you both Christie!
Be still and truly allow God to minister to you both as He prepares the way for the child(ren) He has already selected before time to be with you forever!
Love you,
I would say that you are a “real” Christian, & since there is no perfect Christian, it is my opinion that “real” is the next best thing. It’s those human emotions that give us the opportunity to press into God & grow in relationship with Him & in our faith. One thing I learned (again) recently is that God doesn’t want us to be neat & tidy, attempting perfection. He loves us & wants us, even in the nitty-gritty of life!
Love you! :o)
Christie, … boy do I understand waiting!!! 🙂 I will pray for His peace to fill your hearts and minds so that you won’t be so anxious while you wait. I completely understand! Will also be praying for the Lord’s will. Remember, only Christ was perfect… and just trust in His promises!!
Praying with you both……waiting stinks! But it will happen…..because God has laid it on your heart…..praying…..
waiting right along with ya girl! praying!
This is a verse I have memorized because I am sooo impatient and nervous at times
Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds with Christ Jesus.”
Praying for you to have answers soon!
I am sorry. Waiting really is so hard. I think your still better off waiting through the domestic way because international adoptions I think is over a year of waiting depending if you are getting a boy or girl, especially an infant. You continue to be in my prayers.
Praying that you hear something soon!
praying, praying, praying!
eeeeyaay!! i’m just so excited about where God is taking yall! i can’t wait to watch as things continue to unfold! 🙂
Just prayed that your hearts desire will come home soon.
an interracial couple with no kids – i’m no social worker but it doesn’t seem like there would be an abundance of couples who fit that exact description vying for these boys 🙂
We are all anxious with you sweetheart! I look at the verse: Phillippians 4:6-8 on my bulletin board here at work all the time: Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries and prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. I replace worries with anxiousness! LOVE YOU. MOM