I ran across this site today; Lifetime Adoption
Looks and sounds pretty good. They specialize in African-American and biracial infant adoptions. I actually spoke to someone live on chat, also. She said they are an adoption facilitation center in California. She also said that their fees are $16,997, reduced to $12,997 by a $4,000 grant.
Sound too good to be true? Check out there site and let me know what you think!
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Christie is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful little girls, a pastor's wife, and lover of Jesus. Her hope is that STC would be a source of encouragement for women all over the world!
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Is that the entire fee or are the birth family fees or lawyer’s fees in addition to that? How about medical costs, or other things.
Sounds fine, but always ask about the “hidden fees”.
Also when adopting through another state- always look up the laws for that state. So you are sure when & if it is considered without revocation- the consent. You can look it all up at adoption.com Just a tip 🙂
No hidden fees. You do have to pay for your own lawyer to have the adoption finalized. We signed on with them in March 2009 and brought our baby home July 2009. It was a wonderful experience and my daughter is now 7 years old! Lifetime was amazing through the whole process.
They do sound great! Unfortunately for me our state laws don’t let us work with an adoption facilitator outside of our state. I inquired about them a couple weeks ago because they are much more in our budget. If you hear of anyone else in that price range let me know. =)
There is a yahoo group (groups.yahoo.com) that deals with scams in adoption. Just search for it – those people know everything.
I don’t know anything about them, but they sure have a TON of birthmothers listed who want to place children! I will be praying for wisdom for you….and perhaps even me…lol
I did their little online application thing a few months back but we never ended up pursuing anything with them. Check out our agency Catholic Carities … $13,000 … but you pay in stages.
Christie, they actually sound like Adoption Information Services, which we used for our adoption (AIS is out of Georgia). Make sure you find out what they offer… don’t think they are an actual agency, but more of a liaison company, which offers support & guidance only. Their fees sound a little high… don’t forget this probably does NOT include any lawyer fees, adoption fees, court system stuff, or birthmom expenses. We don’t regret using AIS (which sounds like this one), but just be aware that they are more expensive than using just a regular agency or social services. They charge fees in addition to whatever the adoption costs. I know you guys have been trying to save up! Our adoption, after AIS + lawyer/court/birthmom expenses, totaled around $35,000. Email me if you have questions! Good luck!! Praying for God’s perfect will to be done, and that you will hear His voice in making these very tough decisions!
never heard of them but here’s an article with websites that post adoption agency reviews:
do your research – we almost went with an agency before we read some horrifying reviews! good luck!
I have heard across the board not to use facilitators but I don’t know anything about them specifically. I would love to hear if you do get info about them. Also, I wanted to see if you would pass my blog along to Tara. I have been following her and she went private now. I would love to be able to keep up with her. It’s so much less common to do domestic adoption and since that’s the journey we are on, I would love to keep up with as many fellow domestic mommas as I can. I am praying for her.
We used Lifetime to adopt twice. They are a national adoption center with wonderful Christian women at the helm. We liked the fact that they were NOT an agency, because we could make choices to stay within our budget, such as choosing attorney and home study providers (our HS was thru the state.)
The best thing is how they took care of both of our birthmothers. I would recommend them FAR more than other “professionals” I researched.
If you are approved to adopt thru Lifetime, I wouldn’t hesitate moving forward. Lifetime Adoption earns top ranks from our family!
— Melissa
I adopted through Lifetime as well. The Birthmoms you see on their site are every woman who calls their 1800 number, not just women who are actually serious or completed even the basic paperwork.
Depending on what state you live in, they can be a great option or a terrible option. They are a “matching” service so you still pay your court costs, birthmom expenses, attny fees, etc. The money you are paying is for them to show you on their website and send out your profile. Out adoption ended up costing close to $40 which was much more than we would have spent through an agency.
Do not use Lifetime! They are too good to be true!! We have done ever thing they asked and waited 3 years and were never matched. We lost all the money we gave them. We had no specifications, we were happy to have a child of any race or sex. They were wonderful to us at first then stood us up on a conference call, told us we should be open to a boy, we were open to a boy!! I have no way of confirming they sent our profiles out to woman pregnant with boys. We had multiple coordinators due to their turn around in staff. They don’t have as many birthmothers as they post. They put on the website any woman who phones in and give information, they are not necessarily planing on placing their child for adoption. The only time I heard from them is when they wanted more profiles, but wouldn’t tell me how many they had left or how many total they sent. They wouldn’t tell us anything about what they were doi. for us. We fell sick about using them. Please find a agency that is ethical and genuine.
Oh Tonya, I’m sorry to hear that you all had a bad experience. We actually never worked with Lifetime, but have 2 beautiful little girls from private adoption agencies in Florida. I pray that you all were able to find a reputable agency to work with!
I hear you Tonya, Lifetime Adoption is very misleading and unethical from our own personal experience.
I agree as well, I’ve worked with them for three years and they tell me that I should be patient. Well, before I paid my fees they told me they had children waiting to be adopted, but after three years, they can’t find a single one. And there are no monthly webinar updates, those webinars are for general questions and you do not get specifics on potential matches. They cannot even tell you how many profiles were sent to birth moms seriously considering adoption, not just anyone who calls. Now that I see I am not alone, I will reach out to the state agencies to make them aware of the scam this agency is running!
We have adopted with them once and are with them again. Our experience is definitely different than yours. We enjoy the monthly webinars where they most definitely tell us what they are doing for us. Our coordinators have always been supportive! Our first adoption, we asked which birthmother # she had been on the website and they told us that she never actually made it to the website because she had completed everything so quickly. I’m sorry you didn’t have a positive experience, but we LOVE Lifetime and have always felt supported and well-served.
Sounds like Lifetime’s “Lead Family Coordinator” wrote this response! I know her verbiage well after dealing with her (anything but Christian) bs for 4+ years. Warmly…
What agency did you use in Florida?