Below is the letter that we sent out this week:
Dear Friends and Family,
Amost three years ago, God set us out on a journey as husband and wife. During that time, we have grown to love one another and Christ more every day. Today, we would like to include you on our next journey…our journey to adoption.
Six months ago God placed the call of adoption on our hearts. Before that time we expected to have children of our own and adoption was not at the forefront of our minds. We soon realized that when God places a burden on your heart, the only thing you can do is take action.
The verse that spoke to us specifically was James 1: 26-27; “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in the affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” As Christians we are called to support adoption, because we ourselves are adopted through Christ. So, we have followed God’s lead and will for our lives and have decided to adopt our first child.
We are in the initial stages of our adoption journey. At this time we have chosen an adoption agency and are saving money to begin the homestudy process. Unfortunately, the process of adoption requires that we step out on faith and be stretched in ways that are out of our comfort zone. We are so thankful that we have the means to provide for a child’s daily needs, but the reality is there is a substantial amount of money needed to bring this child home. Would you be willing to enter into this journey with us? Whether you feel led to help us financially or through your prayers and encouragement, it all means the world to us!
There are a couple of ways that you could financially support us. Christie has started a blog that chronicles our adoption journey. On our blog is a donation button that allows you to make a donation that will go directly to our PayPal account. If you would rather send a check by mail, that would be fine as well. Either way, your donation and your prayers will be used for the sole purpose of bringing our child home.
This letter has been one of much prayer and thought. Honestly, this may be the hardest thing that God has ever told us to do. We have struggled with the thought of asking you to support us. But, we also know that God uses his people for his purposes. We would be honored to know that you helped us bring our child home and knowing that this one child will have the opportunity of growing up in a Christian home. We are humbly on our knees before God, knowing that he will do great things through our faith in him. Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. No words could ever express our gratitude for your love for our family.
God has already started working through this letter. Thank you so much for praying for us during this process. God hears the prayers of his people!
Follow Christie H.’s board Adoption – Tips & Encouragement for the Call to Adopt on Pinterest.
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Dardi says
I think as Christians, sometimes we forget how much it means to others when we step into their journey with them. For anyone that might read this, I pray that you would step into this sweet couple’s journey with them. There really is no amount too little b/c it’s the love behind the gesture that helps to carry them through. I am speaking this from experience as my husband & I have also stepped out in faith, so I KNOW what it feels like when someone says, “I am with you, sister”. It really is a blessing beyond words, so be blessed as you bless this couple! :o)
In Him ~ Dardi
J+TMcLamb says
Hi, I know we don’t know each other, but I feel as if somehow I found you for a reason 🙂 I am also a married twenty-something, adopting, living in rural NC, and struggling to meet the financial expectations that adoption brings. Feel free to follow my blog as well and I will be praying for your journey!