So, last night, during my quiet time, after doing my bible study that we’re going through at church (Heaven by Randy Alcorn) I proceeded to read my bible, as I do every night.
I started in Galatians this past week (I read a chapter every night) and last night was chapter 4. As I began to read I got to verse 4-5 and I chuckled, looked a Q, and cried….
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive ADOPTION as sons.
I cried and cried…ok, God, I get it!
I know that this passage is there, but I didn’t know it was “there”! When this has been so heavy on my heart, God puts it right “there”! It seems like every day I get some sort of confirmation, but every day I question it. Every day I wonder how it’s going to work, and every day God puts a peace in my heart.
The night before last, a friends status update on Facebook was…
“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply” –Hudson Taylor
Ok, God, I get it!
So, here I am Lord. Please continue to pray for guidance, peace, reassurance, and confirmation. Pray that Q would receive the same confirmation that I’m receiving and that we can do God’s will for God’s glory…
I have a “follower”…thanks Amy, for your reassuring words and prayer…
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